Children & Family Ministries

Sunday School

Prayer, scripture memorization, Bible stories, fellowship with other children and caring! These are the things that kids will experience at Sunday School at FBC. It is the bedrock of all our Children's Ministries. Sunday School begins at 9:45 am.

Children's Sunday School Classes
Preschool/Kindergarten-Kids Basement
1st & 2nd Grade-Kids Basement
3rd & 4th Grade-Kids Basement
5th & 6th Grade-3rd floor

Kid's Worship

Our Children, 4 years-4th grade have the opportunity to experience worship in an age appropriate format each Sunday morning, with the exception of June and December. Children attend the first part of Morning Worship with their parents. Before the sermon all participating kids exit the sanctuary through the south doors and go to the Children's Ministry area. They are divided into younger and older kids. This kid friendly time is comprised of prayer, music, Bible stories, Bible lesson and Bible learning activities.

Gospel Project

Gospel Project is our Wednesday night program for 4 years-4th grade. It is a chronological study of the Bible. Kids are divided by age groups and rotate with their teachers to classrooms where they participate in crafts, recreation, missions, Bible learning activities, Bible stories, games and occasional parties. Children will meet in the CAR Room (Kids Basement) at 6:30 pm.

FLYTE (Pre Teens)

FLYTE is the Wednesday night program for 5th-6th grade. This class is designed to continue teaching kids scriptures. Much emphasis is given about how to apply those scriptures in their daily lives as they move from childhood to the teen years. Creating an atmosphere of positive peer support is a crucial aspect of this class. FLYTE meets on the 3rd floor at 6:30 pm.


Kids have the opportunity to learn about and participate in mission in multiple ways. There is often a missions emphasis in Sunday School and in Gospel Project where it is a part of the regular rotation. We help children fill boxes for Operation Christmas Child. We also educate them about the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering and other annual offerings, encourage them to participate annually in Mexico Missions with a very simple sacrifice and even provide opportunities for them to go on mission trips accompanying their parents.


We teach the Bible, the gospel of Jesus Christ, have tons of fun and interact with many of the unreached people in our community. Win, Win! VBS is usually scheduled sometime during the summer.

VBS 2025
June 9-12 for 4yrs-completed 5th grade
6:00 PM-8:30 PM
click picture for online registration


FBC Families Facebook Group