
Sunday School Classes


Sunday School is every Sunday at 9:45 am. We have classes available for all ages.

Wednesday Activities


5:00 pm - Wednesday Prayer Meeting, Fellowship Hall 
5:30 pm - Family Dinner, Fellowship Hall, $5 per person/max $15 per family 
6:00 pm - The Rock, Youth (7th-12th grade), Activity Building 
6:15 pm - Praise Band, Sanctuary
6:30 pm - Gospel Project (4 yrs-4th grade), Basement 
                 FLYTE, Preteens (5th & 6th grade), 3rd Floor 
                 Midweek Fill-Up Bible Study, Adult 3 Class on the 3rd Floor
                 SEEDS-Single Moms, Parlor
7:00 pm - Worship Choir, Choir Room 

Wednesday Family Dinner


Our Wednesday Family Dinner is from 5:30 pm-6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall each Wednesday during the school year. Cost is $5 per person/max $15 per family. Menu will change each week.

Open Hearts (WMU)


Tuesday, April 1 / 11:30 am / Fellowship Hall
Open Hearts is our Women on Missions that meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month during the school year. Lunch and childcare are provided. 

Mom's Breakfast


Friday, April 4 / 8:30 am / Smokehouse
Mom's Breakfast is a great opportunity to enjoy a time of fellowship with other moms in our church. They meet at 8:30 am on the 1st Friday of the month during the school year. Childcare is available at the church.

3 Circles Evangelism Training


Join us on Sunday, April 6 at 4:00 pm for the 3 Circles Evangelism Training. In this training you will learn the effective strategies employed at Beach Reach. Childcare is available. If you know you will need childcare please let the office know so we can guarantee we have enough childcare workers. 

Sunday, April 6
4:00-5:30 pm
Fellowship Hall

Ladies Tuesday Noon Bible Study


Will begin "Heaven" by Jennifer Rothschild on Tuesday, April 15 at Noon in the basement. Cost of book is $20. Childcare is available. Contact the church office to sign up. 

Save the date! Vacation Bible School


Save the date! Vacation Bible School will be June 9-12 from 6:00 pm-8:30 pm for 4 yrs-5th grade. More information at a late date. 

Click on VBS picture for online registration

Kids Camp


Kids Camp at Camp Gipson is June 16-19 for completed 3rd-6th grade. Cost is $75 per child. Registration packets are available at the church. Deadline to sign up is May 7. We will not be able to add more campers after this date. For more information or questions contact Cheri in the church office.